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Real Estate Market Advice from the JWP Group in Eagle River, Up North WI

Monday, December 5, 2022   /   by Julie Winter-Paez

Real Estate Market Advice from the JWP Group in Eagle River, Up North WI

Let's be real, the housing market has cooled from the peak frenzy we saw over the past two years. And if you're thinking of selling your house, you're probably wondering what that means for you. My advice is simple, recognize that this isn't the same market as the one we saw last year. But that doesn't mean you've missed your chance. You just need a partner to help you price your house based on where we are right now. 

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Here's why it's worth it to price your house at today's market value. The right price can help you attract more buyers even as demand pulls back and mortgage rates rise. And getting more buyer attention on your house positions you to maximize your sale price and sets you up to sell your house as quickly as possible even in a shifting market. I know you want to sell your house for as much as you can. But I promise you that overpricing your property is a mistake. 

If you want to minimize your hassles and get the best final sales price possible. Let me help you find the listing price for your house today. Give us a call and have a fantastic day.

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