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Listing Your Northern WI Real Estate? Marketing Matters!

Thursday, August 10, 2023   /   by Julie Winter-Paez

Listing Your Northern WI Real Estate? Marketing Matters!

So it happened again, I just saw a listing come on the market with cell phone pictures for the main picture and basically the whole house had cell phone pictures. 

Marketing matters, especially as the market is shifting and changing, who you hire really matters now more so than ever. They have to be able to understand the shifting market. They have to be able to understand how to put the best foot forward for your property. Hitting on the things that are going to be key to the next buyer. They have to know how to get exposure. They have to know how to place it on all the places where people up here in northern Wisconsin are looking for listings. 

Sales is one thing. Sales is a conversation about a purchase and cash. Marketing and advertising is different. That is how you get to have the conversation with somebody about cash. If the person that you hire doesn't know anything about marketing, you're going to have a lot less conversations about the cash. 

So who you hire matters. They need to understand the sales aspect and they need to understand the marketing. I would love to have a conversation with you about what that looks like for your property. Give me a call anytime. Happy to chat and hopefully we will see you soon in the Northwoods.

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