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Are you working with the RIGHT Listing Agent?

Thursday, March 31, 2022   /   by Julie Winter-Paez

Are you working with the RIGHT Listing Agent?

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Are you, as a Seller, getting quality service from your agent? Even in a hot market, you deserve and should demand the expert touches that bring you top dollar on your property!

Demand quality! As a seller, even in this market where things are selling quickly, you still need to demand quality from the realtor, the professional that you hire.

I lost the listing a couple of weeks ago. I saw it come on the market with another professional, and it does not appear as if they use professional photography. In this market, you want to have everything dialed in and look fantastic from the staging to the photography to the right up and the information you're putting out there. You need to have it "spot on" from the beginning and don't cut any corners.

A professional real estate agent will have a solid plan in place to promote your listing in an effort to find the right pool of buyers. “Just listed” postcards, open houses, virtual tours and professional photography are all factors that may go into a marketing plan. Most prospective buyers now conduct their research online before visiting a property in person. You need an agent that knows how to create a strong first impression online using engaging written descriptions, pictures and videos.

Yes, the market is hot, but to get the highest investment, you need everything to be set in place from the beginning. So if you're a seller in this market, demand quality from the professional you hired to sell your home.
Again, I would love to be that professional. If you're up in Northern Wisconsin I would love to help guide you through the process.

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